Week 9 Thanksgiving – Gratitude


We just celebrated a National holiday – THANKSGIVING! What does that mean to you? To me it means being Thankful every day for all that we have, not just the day set aside to gather with family and have a big meal.

I have soooooooooooo much to be thankful for that it would take so many pages to name them all. I’ll just name a few right now – freedom to worship Jesus Christ, as my Lord & Savior and the Grace He graciously gives to me , my Supportive Eli ( my husband), my children, grandchildren (8) and my great granddaughter who was born 2 days before Thanksgiving and slept through dinner. What blessings to be thankful for.

Mark J put out a challenge to all of us about Gratitude during the week where we are to list 3 different things we are grateful for during the next 90 days with no repeats. I accepted the challenge and started a journal listing them. What an experience. One high on my list is the Master Key Mastermind Alliance has opened my mind, my heart and eyes to things I had not thought about, felt or seen.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” William Arthur Ward

Master Key 9: 27. Man is the sum total of his own thoughts; so the question is, how are we to entertain only the good thoughts and reject the evil ones? At first we can’t keep the evil thoughts from coming, but we can keep from entertaining them. The only way to do this is to forget them – which means, get something for them. This is where the ready-made affirmation comes into play. “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy”

What a week! Blessings to all my Mastermind Family on your continued journey.

15 thoughts on “Week 9 Thanksgiving – Gratitude

  1. masterkeyinterface

    Thanks Dille! It is quite a wonderful journey. I started a journal too and it’s fun and an awesome thing. The little things in life are just amazingly transformational when we see the simple as profound.



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